The “Brave New World” of Repeatable Workflows

According to a study conducted in 2019  (and referenced by M-Files), about 99% of respondents said they would gladly work remotely for the rest of their careers. In addition, about 40% said they valued the flexible schedule that remote work brought with it. An additional 30% said that they loved the opportunity to work from any location as the situation called for it. So it's no surprise that the popularity of remote work exploded over the last decade and is unlikely to slow down anytime soon.

Gone are the days when vital information could be exchanged through discussions, meetings, and quick office drop-ins. Unfortunately, it's not possible to catch up on the status of that big project with a brief meeting after lunch.

All of us who love and support M-Files realize that leveraging a tool like M-Files to automate menial, repetitive tasks will significantly reduce the amount of an employee's time. The need for workflows is especially true for those tasks that are repeated regularly.

Many of the tasks that employees are forced to deal with are nothing if not repeatable. But if humans constantly repeat them without a consistent structure in place, we're simply increasing the chances that human error and quality control will suffer.

With electronic automation, the job gets done every single time by way of a consistent, repeatable workflow — and we can free up the valuable time of an employee so that they can focus on matters that will make money.



I talk about hope and faith. I like to be with family, friends, laugh, and live. Jesus is King. ✝️

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